Mobility Conditioning Seminar
Sunday 10 November 2013
Bodywize Athletic Development
4518 Renaissance Parkway
Warrensville Heights OH 44128

Time: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Mobility is one of the least developed and understood aspects of physical conditioning.
Plenty of people display strength and can lift heavy bells and sandbags, or swing kettlebells for high reps… but they often display terrible terrible posture, movement patterns and range of motion.
You’re invited to come train with internationally renowned fitness coach Steve Maxwell and experience his system of mobility conditioning.
Steve’s mobility conditioning system build agility, coordination and transforms the natural aging process.
Many people think of mobility as a gentle sort of active recovery exercise–and this is one aspect–but there’s a whole other side of mobility that few are aware of.
In this seminar, you will learn:
Mobility exercises that increase strength throughout the 3-dimensional plane
How to link mobility exercises to create the absolutely best cardio conditioning possible
4000-year old, classical exercises even more applicable in these modern times
Restoration as well as energizing exercises and techniques
How to access the full lung capacity and why every exercise is a breathing exercise

More info: Shaun Sterling, 440-669-7368 or Teresa B 

Register and pay before September 30, 2013 = $175                                 Unknown
Register on or after September 30, 2013 = $225 


I did two great workouts this week so far at Bodywize Athletic Development. Here they are:

Workout 1:
Superset 1:
Hindu Pushups – ladders 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 20
Pullups – 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12
approx 1 min of rest between sets
Superset 2:
Kettlebell snatch x 15 w/16kg to focus on relaxed form aka gs(going to 20kg next week, 24kg the week after, 28kg the week after that and finally 32kg the last week of this training blitz. Reps will stay the same as long as technique and the relaxed gs form is not sacrificed. It’s been a while since I have snatched the good old 32kg!)
Ring muscle up transitions x 5(working on my transition from the pullup portion to the bottom of the ring dip) note: I can do both ring pullups and dips it’s the transition between the two with a false grip that I struggle with. I am determined within the next 4-6 weeks to be able to do a non-kipping full muscle-up on the rings. Kipping is very tough on the joints and I care to much about my joints to sacrifice them for the sake of doing a sloppy muscle-up.
toe to bars x 8
approx 1 min rest between rounds, completed 5 rounds
stretched, foam rolled and did some chi gong to calm my nervous system down after my workout.

Workout 2:
Sumo Deadlift – goal belt-less max 420 lbs
Set 1 – 135lbs x 8
Set 2 – 225lbs x 5
superseted first 2 sets as a warm-up with heavy kettlebell swings x 8 w/32kg(felt very light but just wanted to prepare my nervous system for the working sets)
Set 3-10 – 315lbs x 3 w/approx 90 sec between sets(75% of desired 420lbs 1rm)
Superset Finisher:
Double Kettlebell Swings x 8 w/28kg(felt light, going to 36kg next week)
Kettlebell Plank Rows(often times referred to as renegade rows) x 8each side w/32kg(again felt light so going to go for 40kg next week)
Reverse pushups x 8(great exercise for spinal mobility and strength, especially after deeds – learned this from Mike Mahler)
45 degree hyperextension w/arms crossed on chest x 8
rested approx 1 min between rounds, performed 3 rounds
Did some chi gong for recovery
Took a egg white protein shake in coconut milk after, then ate a 5 oz grass-fed burger about 1 hr later with a nice spinach salad with peppers and mushrooms. Tough workouts require great nutrition!
Note that every exercise is performed as if it were a breathing exercise. I always maintain nasal breathing throughout all workouts as resulting to mouth breathing due to lack of conditioning or any other reason for that matter is bad for your health. Feel free to message me on Facebook if you have any questions regarding that matter. Breath mastery is self mastery. Peace!


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is one of the fastest growing sports in the world.

Here is a chance to participate in a class that will allow you to learn and train like a real MMA Fighter.

You will learn the proper way to strike and kick, wrestle, ground and pound, jiu jitsu submissions and train like the top fighters.  We use tires, battle ropes, sandbags, kegs, sleds, logs and more to get you in great shape, all while learning fight techniques.

Now you too can feel like a real MMA fighter!

Classes will be twice a week for 1 hour each day. It will consist of instruction and practice of a certain discipline for the day then a 20 to 30 minute workout followed by a recovery and stretching regimen.

This will be a fun and safe way to participate in the biggest sport in the world and get the physiqe you have always wanted. 

Please sign up now as we are only allowing 10 students at a time to keep individual attention as a primary focus.

Cost will only be $119 per month which is just  under $15 per class.  Classes start Monday, April 29th @ 5:30

Please call Glenn @ 440-477-6171 or Email @ to sign up or get more information.

A great combination of Strongman, Speed, Plyometrics, Agility and Conditioning today at BAD.

I had 7 people join me today for a great workout…

Trap bar deads

Farmer carries 3x  75ft

VID00148Box jump and crawl course 3x
Hussefelt stone carries 2x 50-70ft
Atlas Stone loads 10x  48″

Dec 1 Events Day Saturday

Posted: December 4, 2012 in Uncategorized


Every Saturday we have an open door policy here at Bodywize Athletic Development.  Anybody can come on in and join us for a FREE workout.  Try whatever you want or join along with the workout we are performing for the day.

Here is the fun workout we put together for this week…


Morning fasted cardio/lunch

Posted: November 30, 2012 in WODs/Meals

Shaun’s Friday Morning.
Morning workout: WOD
Simple fasted state cardio before my first meal at 12:30.
100 jump rope + Systema running(1min)
Repeat 6 times with no rest.
First meal:
3 hard boiled eggs
1/4 cup raw almonds
1/2 can of tuna

Simple consistency = results!

Handstand and Gymnastic Workshop

Posted: November 26, 2012 in Uncategorized


We had Yuri Marmerstein grace us on Saturday November 17 to teach us proper handstand technique and other gymnastic tricks.  He also gave some great shoulder strength and mobility with the bands.


Functional Basic Workout

Posted: September 13, 2012 in Uncategorized

Here we did a functional workout that had some basic movements like dips, rows, jumping rope and working the squat from the bottom up.

What the heck is going on?? A female is doing a hard, heavy workout and gets stronger and leaner?  Can that be right? Why of course silly, strength and power means a Hot, Hard Body!

Welcome to our 1st annual Strong Athlete contest

It will be held at our facility on Saturday September 29, 2012 at 12:00pm

There will be 2 classes for Men and Women with 5 different events.

This contest will test your Athletic abilities  from strength, speed, agility & endurance

Below is a link to both the entry form and list of events and weights for all competitors.